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how to overcome the laziness of students majoring in mathematics to create computer programs

one specialization in mathematics is computing. In general, computing science is a field of science that studies the use of computers to analyze and solve science problems. This specialization was chosen by many students majoring in mathematics because it was needed in the workforce. However, students find it difficult to create computer programs. Programming is the process of writing, repairing, and maintaining code that builds a computer program. This code is written in different programming languages. The purpose of programming is to load a program that can perform a calculation in accordance with the wishes of the programmer. However, students find it difficult to create computer programs because to create computer programs is very difficult, dizzy, and requires students to be focused and thorough. Because if a little error occurs when creating a program it will make the program an error. In addition to creating computer programs, skills in algorithms, logic, programming languages ​​and strong logic are needed. So that makes students difficult in creating computer programs that cause students difficulty in doing assignments and even difficulties to quickly graduate.

There are some easy tips that can be applied so that students majoring in mathematics who choose specialization in computing can be easier to create computer programs. The first has a paradigm of 'If others can, then I can too'. Most students who feel the wrong majors or who cannot graduate quickly due to the paradigm that they form themselves. most students feel that they are not talented in the field of programming and will not be able to go through college well. This paradigm must be eliminated because actually anyone can if they want to be serious. If a student already has a good mindset, it will be easier for him to go through the lecture period well.

Second, pray and ask for our parents' blessing. students majoring in mathematics who choose specialization in computing if you want to quickly graduate then get closer to God by increasing worship and praying. Praying is the best way to ask God for something and also the most effective way to make the heart calm so that it is easier to make decisions and so forth. Also, don't forget to keep asking for our parents' blessing so that the work feels easier. By remembering our parents will also be more excited when learning programming because parents have great expectations for their children to be able to finish college well and become scholars. Therefore they are willing to work hard and work desperately to find college funds. The sacrifice of these parents must be accompanied by students who are still trying their best to learn.

Third, many ask the lecturer or senior level. If you have difficulty creating the program and it really can't, then it's better to ask the lecturer or senior level. Indeed, not all senior levels are very clever in creating computer programs, but it never hurts to ask lots of questions to them and ask for advice about many things about the struggle when creating computer programs so that they can motivate us to not be lazy to create computer programs. 

Computing specialization is very much needed in the world of work and many graduates majoring in mathematics at Airlangga University who take the computational specialization are accepted in several good companies. But the effort to be smart in the field of computing is not easy, because we must be able and not lazy to make computer programs. Having a paradigm that is' If others can, then I can too ', pray and ask for our parents' blessing, and ask lots of questions from lecturers or senior level hopefully can make mathematics students who choose computational specialization become a passion for making computer programs.

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